Care for Moms: Celebrating Mother's Day with Alavie®BonMax & Alavie® Total Reverse

Alavie Anti-aging Bone Health BonMax Calcium health Total Reverse

Mother's Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the incredible women in our lives who have nurtured and cared for us. This year, show your love and gratitude to the moms in your life by gifting them the care they deserve with Alavie®BonMax and Alavie®Total Reverse.

Alavie®BonMax: Supporting Healthy Bone Growth

Bone health is essential for everyone, regardless of age. Alavie®BonMax is specially formulated to provide the best nutrition to support healthy bone growth and maintain bone strength and density at every stage of life.

Calcium, a key ingredient in Alavie®BonMax, plays a crucial role in strengthening bones and teeth, regulating muscle and heart function, blood clotting, transmission of nervous system messages, and enzyme function.

In addition to calcium, Alavie®BonMax contains DurOmega® (DHA Powder), YGF-251 (Phlomis Umbrosa & Commelina Communis), MediQ7® (Microencapsulated Vitamin K2), and LocVita™ (Vitamin D3) to provide comprehensive support for bone health.

With its classic natural skimmed milk flavor, high calcium, high protein content, and no added sugar or artificial preservatives, colorings, or flavorings, Alavie®BonMax is suitable for all adults and children over 4 years old. Simply take 1-2 sachets daily after meals mixed with 100 – 150 ml of room temperature water for optimal bone health support.

Alavie®Total Reverse: Fighting Skin Aging Naturally

For moms who want to maintain youthful and radiant skin, Alavie® Total Reverse offers a natural solution to fight skin aging. This liquid gel essence is infused with premium ingredients sourced from five different countries - Singapore, Japan, China, Italy, and Switzerland.

One of the key ingredients in, Alavie® Total Reverse is Mangosteen, also known as the "Miracle Queen of the Fruits" originating from Singapore. Mangosteen contains a synergistic blend of vitamins and phytonutrients, including Xanthones and Vitamin C, which protect and heal damaged cells, slow down skin aging, inhibit AGEs' production, boost skin hydration, brighten skin, promote collagen production, reduce wrinkles, age spots, and blemishes, and boost skin immunity.

To enjoy the benefits of Alavie® Total Reverse, simply take 1 sachet on an empty stomach, 1-2 times a day. Serve chilled for the best taste and experience glowing and youthful skin after just 20 days.

This Mother's Day, give the gift of health and beauty with Alavie®BonMax and, Alavie® Total Reverse, and show your mom how much you care for her well-being and happiness.

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